Recycling Material
With the mandatory introduction of the Substitute Building Materials Ordinance (ErsatzbaustoffV or EBV) on August 1, 2023, there is a shift from landfilling to recycling for mineral substitute building materials (MEB). This is significant because mineral waste represents the largest waste stream in Germany. The EBV aims to move from a "linear economy" (Take, Make, Waste) to a "circular economy."
This shift means that a manufactured product is no longer simply produced and discarded after use but is instead reintroduced into the raw material cycle through value-adding processes.
Recycling applies not only to various mineral construction materials but also to asphalt, shredded material, or other finite resources like copper or lithium.
Whether it’s mineral waste, asphalt, shredded material, or valuable materials like copper, everything should be recycled to help preserve our planet’s finite resources. We support this goal with the analysis of the following materials:
Construction debris
Asphalt and milling materials
Soil materials
Shredded material
Valuable raw materials like copper or lithium
The EBV regulates the use of mineral substitute building materials (MEB) in technical structures such as roads, bridges, paved areas, or noise barriers.
Mineral substitute building materials include construction debris, slags (e.g., blast furnace, steel mill, or electric arc furnace slags), foundry sand, ash, soil materials, dredged material, or track ballast.
As an analytical laboratory, we analyze all types of substitute building materials for the necessary parameters and classify them accordingly.
As an accredited laboratory, we also offer sampling services within the framework of the required in-house production control (WPK). We conduct the analysis for all chemical parameters, from the one-time suitability test (EgN) to regular external monitoring (FÜ).
Most roads in Germany still contain pitch and bitumen, posing significant health and environmental hazards and creating substantial legacy waste.
During modern road repairs, large quantities of asphalt are generated, especially in road construction. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the materials to determine the level of contamination with pitch or tar and whether they can be used in recycling facilities.
When disposing of tar-containing asphalt or asbestos-containing road debris, a proper disposal certificate must be provided.
In addition to the legally required analysis, our service package includes proper sample preparation.
Sample preparation according to the ErsatzbaustoffV, which includes crushing and sieving substitute building materials, creating test aggregates, and preparing the necessary eluates (e.g., column or shaking eluate).
Accredited analysis according to the required standards
Classification of materials into the appropriate category
Sampling according to LAGA PN98, DIN 19698-1, and DIN 19698-2
For enquiries about these analyses, please contact our laboratory team at anfrage@industrial-lab.de or get in touch with your contact person:
Head of Laboratory
02762 9740 - 16
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Head of department
Organics / REM
02762 9740 - 28
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Project management /
workplace measurements
02762 9740 - 17
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