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Your contact persons

For enquiries about these analyses, please contact our laboratory team at or get in touch with your contact person:


Rainer Wiebelhaus

Rainer Wiebelhaus

Sales Manager
 0151 14745308
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Argjend Halili

Argjend Halili

Sales Kosovo
 +383 48 885 666
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Jan-Martin Balzer

Jan-Martin Balzer

Sales / Project Management
 0151 55037820
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Artan Krasniqi

Artan Krasniqi

Sales / Project Management
 0151 55037830
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Laboratory management

Dr. Mechthild Grebe

Dr. Mechthild Grebe

Head of Laboratory
 02762 9740 - 16
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Sandy John

Sandy John

Head of Laboratory
 0212 22147 - 0
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Head of department

Stephan Uttich

Stephan Uttich

Head of Department
Steel mill analytics

 0151 14745337
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Sylvia Eckhardt

Sylvia Eckhardt

Head of department

 02762 9740 - 83
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Florian Droste

Florian Droste

Head of department
Inorganics / Sample Preparation

 02762 9740 - 74
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Dr. Caroline Paprott

Dr. Caroline Paprott

Head of department
Organics / REM

 02762 9740 - 28
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Team management

Maximilian Wagener

Maximilian Wagener

Head of Team Sampling
 02762 9740 - 94
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Volkan Aydinkaptan

Volkan Aydinkaptan

Head of Team Sampling
 02762 9740 - 91
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Stephan Köller

Stephan Köller

Head of Team Inorganics
 02762 9740 - 93
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Farah Jarjour

Farah Jarjour

Head of Team Organics
 02762 9740 - 35
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Mohamad Shawa

Mohamad Shawa

Head of Team
 06441 381985 - 31
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Kersten Wickel

Kersten Wickel

Head of Team
 0271 808 - 2897
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Christian Potthoff

Christian Potthoff

Head of Team
 02302 29 - 4557
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Christina Ziegler

Christina Ziegler

Head of Team Process bath analysis
 0212 22147 - 2
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Timur Gök

Timur Gök

Head of Team Corrosion
 0212 22147 - 5
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Project management

Dorothea Egbun

Dorothea Egbun

Project management /
workplace measurements

 02762 9740 - 17
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Kenza Toukabri

Kenza Toukabri

Hazard Product Management
 +49 (0)2762 9740-18
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Quality management

Sandy John

Sandy John

Head of Laboratory
 0212 22147 - 0
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Dr. Christian Weimer

Dr. Christian Weimer

Quality Manager
 02762 9740 - 15
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Centre / Administration

Christa Krumm

Christa Krumm

Head office / Purchasing
 02762 9740-0
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