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Your accredited test laboratories

Additional Services

Your Problem, Our Solution

While routine analyses like steel, slag, environmental, or microbiological analytics are key components of our service offerings, we also provide customized solutions tailored to specific customer issues.

With state-of-the-art equipment and the high expertise of our lab staff, we can offer solutions for a wide range of challenges.

Comparative Analytics

Have you received new batches of a product from your supplier, but the new batch is causing processing issues?

We can perform comparative analyses of the old and new products using a variety of techniques in both organic and inorganic domains, identifying any differences between the samples.

Our available equipment includes:

  • GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry)

  • IC/ICP (Ion Chromatography / Inductively Coupled Plasma)

  • XRF/XRD (X-ray Fluorescence / X-ray Diffraction)

  • SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy)


Technical Services

Do you have stones or paving stones that need to be crushed into smaller aggregates?

With our new crushing line, we can produce custom grain sizes based on your requirements. You can receive the processed material, which can then be further utilized or sold.

Our technical services include:

  • Crushing and sorting

  • Sieving

  • Packaging and shipping



Method Development

There is a solution for everything

For large industrial customers, time is money. If you're facing issues with products or additives and lack the time to find a solution, we can handle it for you.

Based on your specific inquiry, we develop custom solutions and methods to ensure your product meets the required specifications.


We Find a Solution

Our extensive range of equipment and the expertise of our lab staff allow us to provide professional solutions in almost every field. If you're facing a problem, feel free to contact us, and we'll work on finding a solution.

Our available analytical techniques include:

  • Optical Emission Spectroscopy with Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP-OES)

  • Ion Chromatography (IC)

  • Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS)

  • Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX)

  • X-ray Diffraction (XRD)

  • X-ray Fluorescence (XRF)

  • Production of aggregate grains

Your contacts in the area of Additional Services

For enquiries about these analyses, please contact our laboratory team at or get in touch with your contact person:

Florian Droste

Florian Droste

Head of department
Inorganics / Sample Preparation

 02762 9740 - 74
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Dorothea Egbun

Dorothea Egbun

Project management /
workplace measurements

 02762 9740 - 17
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Dr. Caroline Paprott

Dr. Caroline Paprott

Head of department
Organics / REM

 02762 9740 - 28
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