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Drinking Water, Raw Water, and Livestock Water Analysis

Drinking Water Analysis for Water Suppliers

Drinking water is our most important essential resource. Sourced from raw water and carefully treated, it is provided by water suppliers and monitored by approved independent laboratories through various microbiological and chemical analyses.

"Half a billion people experience water scarcity throughout the year... Only 0.014% of the Earth's water is both freshwater and easily accessible."  Wikipedia

"One in three people lack access to clean drinking water. Globally, more than two billion people do not have access to clean drinking water. According to a UNICEF and WHO report, many also live without sanitation." 18 June 2019, 0:03 Source: ZEIT ONLINE, AFP, KANN, js

What drinking water is for humans, livestock water is for our animals. Adequate water in the right quality is just as crucial for the health of animals, which ultimately impacts human health as well.



Drinking and Raw Water Analysis

Microbiological and chemical analysis of drinking water (hot and cold) according to the Drinking Water Ordinance (TrinkwV)

  • Planning of required sampling: We consider legally mandated testing intervals and keep track of your recurring appointments.

  • Sampling according to the Drinking Water Ordinance: We guarantee sampling by qualified, experienced samplers who are part of our accredited laboratory.

  • Testing of water supply systems according to health department guidelines and raw water in consultation with local water authorities

  • Legionella in drinking water: Sampling and analysis according to the TrinkwV and UBA recommendations


  • Stagnation Samples: Bought an old house? Just moved in? Got a new baby? We test your water for heavy metals!

  • Home Installations: Are you a contractor? We certify that your work meets hygiene standards before handing over the installation to your client!

  • Testing of Water Meters: If water meters are calibrated with water, stored in damp conditions, and then installed, could this be a hygiene problem?

  • Water Dispensers: Preventative testing before new installations and annual check-ups

Legionella Testing and Investigation

Legionella are widespread environmental bacteria that can find ideal living conditions in warm drinking water at temperatures between 25–50°C (e.g., stagnation with low water usage). The danger arises when finely dispersed Legionella-contaminated water droplets (aerosols) are inhaled, such as during showers. In severe cases, this can lead to Legionnaires' disease, a form of pneumonia. According to the German Federal Environment Agency, thousands of people are affected annually, with up to 10% of cases proving fatal.

When Must a Drinking Water Installation Be Tested?

  • Centralized hot water supply with a storage volume of ≥400 L and/or more than 3 L of pipe content between the storage tank and the furthest tap

  • Showers (aerosol-producing units) are present

  • The building is rented or public (single- and two-family homes are generally exempt)




Stagnation Samples

Heavy Metal Testing

The TrinkwV sets strict limits for certain metals.

To assess the health risks of heavy metals in drinking water, the concentrations of copper, nickel, and lead in household installations should be determined when the pH is ≤ 7.7. This is done by comparing the metal content in fresh water with that of water from the household pipes after a stagnation period of up to 4 hours.

  • Sampling according to UBA recommendation from December 18, 2018

  • Accredited analysis according to Annex 2, Part II of the TrinkwV

  • Results provided within 5 working days



Water Dispensers

Freestanding or Mains-Connected Dispensers

In 2005, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) evaluated the hygienic condition of water dispensers and the microbial risks they pose to consumers, based on data collected nationwide.

The result: One-third of all water samples were contaminated with bacteria.

Therefore, the BfR recommends monitoring these devices in accordance with the microbiological guidelines of the Drinking Water Ordinance and the Mineral and Table Water Ordinance.


Water Meters

Pseudomonas and More

Since 2014, media reports have frequently highlighted water meters contaminated with Pseudomonas bacteria. These serious hygiene issues often arise during meter production since the meters must be calibrated with water. Residual water left in the meter’s mechanism, combined with improper storage or transportation conditions, can provide an ideal environment for biofilm-forming microorganisms like Pseudomonas aeruginosa to grow.

For this reason, many manufacturers now conduct spot checks before delivery, and suppliers inspect incoming goods. In March 2015, the DVGW released a guideline harmonizing the testing process for accredited laboratories.

  • Sampling according to TWIN No. 10 (DVGW)

  • Accredited analysis according to § 44 of the Infection Protection Act (IfSG)

  • Test results within 1–2 days


Your contacts in the area of Drinking Water, Raw Water, and Livestock Water

For enquiries about these analyses, please contact our laboratory team at or get in touch with your contact person:

Sylvia Eckhardt

Sylvia Eckhardt

Head of department

 02762 9740 - 83
 Send e-mail

Stefanie Atsem

Stefanie Atsem

 02762 9740 - 50
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