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Reports and Classifications

We are pleased to assist you with the correct classification of your products or waste from various production sectors. Through comprehensive analyses in the fields of environmental and material analytics, we can determine the chemical and physical properties of your materials and provide you with individual, expert evaluations or assessments.

WGK - Water Hazard Class

The classification of substances and mixtures regarding their water-hazardous properties is carried out through comprehensive analysis, leading to the determination of the Water Hazard Class (WGK). These are categorized into:

  • Non-hazardous to water (nwg)

  • WGK 1: slightly hazardous to water

  • WGK 2: hazardous to water

  • WGK 3: highly hazardous to water

  • Generally hazardous to water (awg)


Environmental Safety

We assess your product from an environmental perspective to determine whether its use could potentially harm the soil or groundwater. Typical applications include drilling fluids (e.g., bentonites). Evaluation criteria include:

  • Principles of the German Institute for Building Technology (DIBt) for evaluating construction products

  • Mantelverordnung 2023

  • Substitute Building Materials Ordinance (ErsatzbaustoffV) and Federal Soil Protection Ordinance (BBodSchV)

  • Threshold values for groundwater according to the Länder Working Group on Water (LAWA)

  • WGK classification according to AwSV (Regulation on Installations for the Handling of Water-Hazardous Substances)


Waste Law

Considering the EU's legal requirements as well as national regulations of Germany, we can assist you in resolving waste law-related questions based on specific analysis. Our services include:

  • Classification of waste

  • Assignment of AVV (waste code) numbers

  • Determination of hazardous properties of waste as dangerous/non-dangerous

  • Landfill class determination


CLP – Classification, Labelling, and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures

We assist you in the correct classification, labelling, and packaging of substances and mixtures based on our analysis. Results of our evaluations include:

  • Identification of hazardous ingredients

  • Assignment to hazard classes and hazard pictograms

  • H-statements, P-statements, and signal words

  • Exposure assessments


ADR – Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route

We classify substances, solutions, and mixtures according to the Dangerous Goods Transportation Regulations. Based on our analysis and dangerous goods regulations (ADR), we determine the following classifications for your test samples:

  • UN number

  • ADR class

  • Packing group


REACH – Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization / GHS – Globally Harmonized System

We help you manage regulatory matters and identify legal risks, providing recommendations for risk minimization according to chemical regulations (e.g., REACH, GHS, CLP). We also assist in the proper classification, labelling, and packaging of substances and mixtures, as well as the preparation of safety data sheets and technical data sheets.

  • Creation of safety data sheets and technical data sheets  

  • Ensuring SDS compliance with REACH/CLP regulations

  • Classification and labelling according to GHS

  • PCN notification and UFI code creation


Your contacts in the area of Reports and Classifications

For enquiries about these analyses, please contact our laboratory team at or get in touch with your contact person:

Dorothea Egbun

Dorothea Egbun

Project management /
workplace measurements

 02762 9740 - 17
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Kenza Toukabri

Kenza Toukabri

Hazard Product Management
 +49 (0)2762 9740-18
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